What’s new

Category: Version 1.3
Posted on: 01.08.2010 в 23:59 - 1 комментарий - Visited 2303 times
  • Added text-to-image convertation;  now you can make images with my plugin. This would improve protection against the spammers. Do you fink that this is hard? NOT AT ALL! Just one checkbox! You can access it through the «Setting@ in admin menu or in «Plugin» page you’ll see «Antispam Options» below the plugin description;
  • Some code optimization; Now it will work faster.
  • Ukrainian | Russian | English language is supported. If you have your own translation, I would add it to new version with pleasure.

You can download new version in WordPress Plugins Repository, or from this link:

ptimathcapcha-1-3.zip (external link)

1 комментарий on “What’s new”

This plugin happy User

It’s very cool that this great plugin becomes better. Good luck to developer!

02.08.2010 on 00:18

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